Thursday, July 5, 2007

Part 2 Questions

1. Okonkwo had to leave his fatherland because he killed a kinsman. Okonkwo had always planned to be one of the greatest lords in Umuofia so when he left he knew it would be almost impossible to regain all the power he had gained since he was young. Uchendu noticed Okonkwo state and told him that many men before him had been in a similar situations or had been in trouble with the clan but they didn't give up and stop pursuing their life ambitions so he shouldn't either.

2.Some white missionaries settled in the Abame clan. Uchendu believed they brought the war onto themselves by killing the first missionary that came into the village, Okonkwo thought they should have been prepared for any danger since the oracle had warned them. To me Okonkwo's actions seemed better. When Uchendu says " there is no story that is not true" he means each story has to have a foundation or something it's based upon so it had to have existed somehow.

3.The first time Obierka comes to visit Okonkwo it is to give him his money for his yams. The second time it was to ask him what had become of Nwoye and why he was among the missionaries. Nwoye converted because he wanted to be a part of the religion that seemed more understanding, when the missionaries first came the people were amused with their efforts then impressed with their determination then annoyed and finally angered. The evangelist's constant efforts to convert the people at first were in vain but after they explained the benefits and showed that they were still alive even after they were supposed to be dead the people were convinced. Some of the main misunderstandings between the Igbo people and the missionaries was religion,custom, beliefs, and language. some of the people who converted were exiles and they felt that they were more welcome in this religion. Nwoye was not an exile but he appreciated how God took everyone in no matter their condition, and everyone had a chance at happiness. When Okonkwo heard of what his son had done he disowned him.

4.There were a few crisis with the young church starting with how everyone thought the missionaries and their church would not survive, since they had placed the church in the evil forest. The growth of the church was also slow because the converts and their beliefs were not welcome in the village. The last contact Mbaino had with the christians was when Okileo killed the sacred python ,Okielo then died the next day so they had no reason to abuse the christians anymore since the gods could still fight their own battles. There are many differences between the two religions starting with how the Igbo gods discriminate and the christian god loves all people no matter how different and in the Igbo culture there is one supreme god and several lesser gods whereas in the christian belief there is only one god.

5.There are many changes occurring in the clans, abominations are more common, religion changes and the elders fear for the younger generations because they don't know the importance of unity and how vital it is for the clan to stay united as one. These changes may be the reason for the downfall of their culture because when they forget the real reasons they are fighting for like their clans lifestyle or they do not appreciate it anymore they lose their power as a clan.

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