Saturday, December 29, 2007

Vocabulary (Night)

Prostrate: lie face downward to lie flat on the face or bow very low, for example, in worship or humility
Interlude: intervening period of time: a relatively short period of time between two longer periods, during which something happens that is different from what has happened before and what follows
Reprieve: stop or postpone somebody’s punishment: to halt or delay somebody’s punishment, especially when the punishment is death
Rations: fixed amount allocated to an individual: a fixed and limited amount of something, especially food, given or allocated to somebody or a group from the stocks available, especially during a time of shortage or a war
Dysentery: disease of the lower intestine: the disease of the lower intestine caused by infection with bacteria, protozoa, or parasites and marked by severe diarrhea, inflammation, and the passage of blood and mucus
Robust: strong and healthy: strong, healthy, and hardy in constitution
Quarantine: isolation to prevent spread of disease: enforced isolation of people or animals that may have been exposed to a contagious or infectious disease, for example, when entering a country
Apathy: lack of enthusiasm or energy: lack of interest in anything, or the absence of any wish to do anything
Humane: compassionate: showing the better aspects of the human character, especially kindness and compassion
Grimace: expression on face contorted twisting of the face that expresses disgust or pain
Nocturnal: at night occurring at night, as opposed to during the day
Livid: furious very angry
Pious: devoutly religious; acting in falsely moralizing way talking or acting in a falsely, hypocritically, or affectedly moralizing way
Interminable: seemingly endless so long and boring or frustrating as to seem endless
Wizened: dried up: looking wrinkled, shriveled, or dried up
Morale: the general level of confidence or optimism felt by a person or group of people, especially as it affects discipline and willingness
Infernal: extremely annoying or unpleasant; relating to underworld relating to hell or the underworld; diabolical in nature: so wicked or cruel as to be worthy of hell
Refuge: shelter or protection a sheltered or protected state safe from something threatening, harmful, or unpleasant
Oppressive: dominating harshly imposing a harsh or cruel form of domination
Expelled: to compel somebody to leave or give up membership in an institution such as a school, political party, or club; to push or drive something out with force

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